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Taller de Casquería
Clips 2


The Madrid based office, Taller de Casquería, is a collective composed of architects that combines architecture, art, and communication as a strategic approach towards displaying spaces. Their work, both physical and video projects alike, seem to view constructed spaces as a combination of performance art and architecture. Their video projects capture the innate movement and spatial personality in the architecture the record. Combining choreographed movements and beautifully filmed shots, the films are able to intensify the feeling of the space: the quick flitting movements of the actors or piercing light and a still camera might amplify the heavy tectonics within a space. The actors in the videos reveal spatial transformations in a mesmerizing and often surreal fashion. Like the sequence of a dream, or a Cirque du Soleil performance, the movements of the actors show the architecture not just as a backdrop, but as a living, breathing participant.

Clips by Taller de Casquería

Strips including clips by Taller de Casquería

Affairs in Blue
04:02 min

Affairs in Blue

Published on Nov 12, 2014