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The Museum is a School

Bollería Industrial

A model for education and leisure.

When a project starts from critical consideration about society more than from formal experimentations, the short film is a fitting tool to introduce it by putting side by side the statement text with related visual suggestions useful to envision the result. “The Museum is a school” is the short film produced by Bollería Industrial to present the project proposed by Parasite 2.0 for the 2016 YAP MAXXI competition. It unveils the premises that brought the designers to conceive a temporary installation as an easing tool for education.

As if it was a tale, the short film is divided into three chapters: the first proposes some considerations about the role of architects in contemporary society, the second concerns temporary installations as they are mostly conceived today as Instagram Architecture, the third introduces the proposal made by the studio for the competition.

The architects designed a set with strange objects and a green screen, to be the playground for various situations. It host meetings and events, it is also the background for creative photoshoots people and children can enjoy by using the application developed alongside the installation. All those activities are related to the key theme selected by the architects for the installation, which is education to sustainability.


Mentioned project: MAXXI Temporary School: The museum is a school. A school is a battleground (2016)
Project location: Rome, Italy

Spain 2016
Duration: 5'17''