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The Hedonist

Miguel C. Tavares

Deep into a project while perceiving the atmosphere.

Construction of architectural projects often comes with events and experiences which almost vanish and are left behind once the final result stands out. But sometime built architecture is even more appreciable when we learn about the efforts that led to its completion. In this short film, Miguel C. Tavares documents the Hedonist project and depicts the atmosphere in which it has been conceived and implemented. The community involved in the making of the project, with its questions and answers, is the true protagonist of this story.

The Hedonist was one of the selected projects in the Hotel Shabby Shabby competition. The general outline of this initiative was conceived and directed by Raumlaborberlin that launched a contest to select 20 projects for small and inexpensive lodgments to accommodate visitors during the Theater der Welt festival in Mannheim.

Miguel Tavares lets us explore the Hedonist project by Nuno Pimenta and Frederico Martins. Through the architects' words we discover the main concepts for their design. Starting from the construction of the main parts and the first structural tests, we follow the building process until the assembly and completion in the selected location which has a panoramic view on two riversides, one natural and the other more artificial and infrastructured.

While the Hedonist lodgment is built, we are witness of many other things happening around. The camera often explores Mannheim's city center and the sourrounding lanscape or documents the living conditions of the participants in the hotel Shabby Shabby contest. We see activities of a community of makers working and living side by side, committed to reach the best possible results. Moving and doing are key concepts in this experience. While the Hedonist is built, the architects are enriched by a great professional and human experience.


Author: Rui Manuel Vieira

Architects: Nuno Pimenta, Frederico Martins
Mentioned project: The Hedonist (2014)
Project location: Neckarspitze, Mannheim, Germany

Portugal 2014
Duration: 21'38''