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Life inside a museum

Lorenzo Beccari

A walk through contemporary architecture in Genoa: Sant'Agostino Museum by Franco Albini.

The video "Life inside a museum" was conceived and filmed by students of the "Architectural Design" course held by Valter Scelsi at Genoa University. The aim was to focus attention on contemporary architecture and its maintenance: when architectural value is overlooked, even valuable buildings are affected by deterioration.

The short film focuses on the Sant'Agostino Museum in Piazza Sarzano, Genoa. The building was designed by Franco Albini, Franca Helg, Antonio Piva and Marco Albini and was built in 1965. The camera moves around within the museum’s interiors, showing the continuous space and details of the furniture as a showcase and backdrop for artworks. But behind it there also lies a story: a boy in a blue sweater, before entering, imagines what he may see inside. This is a kind of inception.


Authors: Claudio Bolgiani, Irene Galliano, Lisa Santero
Architect: Franco Albini, Franca Helg, Antonio Piva, Marco Albini
Mentioned project: Museo Sant'Agostino (1963-1979)
Project location: Genoa, Italy

Italy 2016
Duration: 1'34''