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Les Jardins de la Blanchisserie


A new mixed used space in the city center of Lyon.

This short film by Made On introduces the conversion of the former hospital laundry in Lyon into a new housing and multipurpose complex designed by 5+1 AA in collaboration with Après la Pluie Paysagistes.

The area is located in the city center of Lyon, near the Part Dieu railway station. The surrounding urban fabric is regular, shaped in the form of a grid with two-to-five floors buildings. The building designated for restoration and reuse shows its concrete structure, the new two-floor volume is superimposed onto the pre-existing shell. The central gateway, that marked the former entrance, is now removed to improve accessibility to the inner area and its public use. The program includes various functions. Residences are located in the upper floors while the ground floor hosts public facilities; here some space are meant to be used by two local cultural association involved in the reuse and revitalization process.


Author: Made On
Architect: 5+1AA
Mentioned project: Les Jardins de la Blanchisserie (2015)
Project location: Lyon, France

France 2015
Duration: 2'51''