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Beyond Boundaries

Riccardo Cagliani, Cecilia Gotelli

A walk through contemporary architecture in Genoa: Chiossone Museum by Mario Labò.

The video "Beyond Boundaries" was conceived and filmed by students of the "Architectural Design" course held by Valter Scelsi at Genoa University. The aim was to focus attention on contemporary architecture and its maintenance: when architectural value is overlooked, even valuable buildings are affected by deterioration.

The short film "Beyond Boundaries" introduces the Museo Chiossone in Genoa, designed by Mario Labò and completed by Giorgio Olcese and Luciano Grossi Bianchi. The museum hosts the Edoardo Chiossone collection, focused on oriental art. The short film examines the building's difficulty in emerging from the context. The museum is located in a central area of the city centre, but it is hidden by nature. While it seems to hold a dominant position, it appears fragile compared to the rest of the noisy and chaotic city. It is necessary to go beyond these mental boundaries to discover the beauty of this place. Visitors are often used to seeing the building without truly realising its value: it is not a mere container for art works, but rather it has its own charm. The isolation and loneliness of the museum does not derive from an innate flaw, but from the blindness of the spectators.


Authors: Fabiola Caboni, Elisa Caviglione
Architect: Mario Labò, Giorgio Olcese, Luciano Grossi Bianchi
Mentioned project: Museo d'arte orientale "Edoardo Chiossone"
Project location: Genoa, Italy

Italy 2016
Duration: 1'44''