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From dawn to dusk: the new sport complex of El Morrot.

This is part of a series of videos featuring winners and finalists from the 2019 Simon Architecture Prize. Learn more on the prize here

At heart of the new sports complex for young footballers commissioned by Olot City Council, lies a square-shaped public square, defined by two pavillions and opened on a football field.
"Agora" draws his name from the concept behind the facility, which is all about community. Now a video by Pep Sau and Job Ramos depicts the latest and Simon Prize finalist project by unparelld'arquitectes. The architecture practice has already been featured on The Architecture Player for their "Dressing the square" project, also located in Olot, Spain.

From dawn to dusk: we see the day unfolding in Olot, following the janitors cleaning the locker rooms, to the watering of the fields, until the young footballers arrive to their training sessions. They eventually start to play in small groups and then in teams, till it's time to get changed. The complex gradually empties, the sun sets down, the lights turn on.

This simple yet accurate video describes the structures and the life inside of this place, stating clearly why this should be called an agora, i.e. a place of encounter, of exchange for a community. unparelld'arquitectes says about the position of the two facing wings: "the two pavilions facing each other dress a setting to cultivate one of the most appreciated values of sport for young people: socialisation".

Socialisation was one of the goal that Olot City Council wanted to score with this project, even thought, for economic reasons, the site chosen is an industrial estate. The emplacement is behind the factories and a large abattoir, in a street almost without sidewalk and busy with many lorries. However, the two pavilions with the agora, which reminds of a nineteenth-century porched square, create a clear and sacred space for children.

(Story by Sara Marzullo, The Architecture Player)


Architect: unparelld’arquitectes (Eduard Callís / Guillem Moliner)
Mentioned project: AGORA (2018)
Project location: Olot, Spain
Directors: Pep Sau and Job Ramos

Spain 2018
Duration: 1'49"