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10 things to make yourself at home in 30 sq. m

Anna Positano

Tailored spaces for extra-small living.

Believe it or not, 30 square meters can be enough to feel conformable at home. In this short video, Anna Positano and Samuele Wurtz filmed ten actions performed in a small apartment designed by gosplan, each proving how the micro dwelling accomodates living functions.

Space is precious, especially if you are living in a high end neighborhood of an ancient Italian city where square meters are so valuable and none can be wasted. The refurbishment project gathered four main environments in a limited area: the living room and the cooking space are at the lower level, while the bedroom and the suspended relaxing area are at the upper level. The apartment is furnished with tailored wall units and some parts are retractable to optimize usability and allow easy movements.

The video well balances the representation of the designed space and how it is used, synthetically depicting selected situations. Sounds keep it all very domestic.


Author: Samuele Wurtz
Mentioned project: Refurbishment of a small apartment (2016)
Project location: Genoa, Italy
Assistant: Valeria Piras
Starring: Kamela Toska

Italy 2016
Duration: 1'12''