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Jesús Granada
Clips 1


Jesús Granada studied architecture at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura in Seville and during his studies developed his passion for photography. In 1999 he started working as an architectural photographer, being commissioned by publishers and architecture studios for his use of the optical bench technique. Since then, he published about 900 journals from 170 publishers in more than 24 countries, and has been commissioned for photographs for monographs and books. In 2008 he collaborated with "El Croquis" in the development of the issue number 142 "Architectural Practices". In 2012 he individually exhibited a collection of photographs on architecture and landscape in Seville, under the title "A Kilometer View" at Lugadero (Seville). His teaching experience was developed while at several institutions: the Ceade-Leonardo Design School, the PhotoLab Center, the University of Malaga, the University of Granada. For GilBartolomé ADW he filmed the "House on the Cliff" (2015).

Clips by Jesús Granada

Strips including clips by Jesús Granada

House on the Cliff
05:03 min

House on the Cliff

Published on Feb 24, 2017