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Beauty and The Bit
Clips 1


Beauty and The Bit is a renowned architectural communication firm based in sunny Madrid, Spain, founded by Victor Bonafonte and Lina Garau. Their aim is to provide their clients not only with architectural illustrations but with a strong art direction. Landmark, their first serious animation short, is thus emblematic: it not an architecture animation but an architecture movie, a project made with the intention of exploring other languages in architectural animation. Beauty and The Bit crafts iconic visuals in the attempt attempt to add emotional content, strong storytelling and art direction to videos. They see their production with a much more solid approach, coherence and intention and are interested in exploring other languages and unknown paths in architectural illustration. Their website is: https://www.beautyandthebit.com

Clips by Beauty and The Bit

Strips including clips by Beauty and The Bit

03:21 min


Published on Oct 16, 2018